People of today are adopting healthy lifestyles, and the combination of lifestyle changes, advancements in public health, and improved healthcare is contributing to a longer life expectancy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to minimize stress and ensure optimal performance.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Heartbeat during exercise

The heart is a muscle that just contract in order to move blood. Each heart beat is composed of two phase, known as systole and diastole.

Heart rate elevation during exercise is primarily controlled by sympathetic stimulation from the brain’s higher somatomotor,

The normal human heart rate ranges from 60 -100 bpm (beats per minute).

Symptoms of irregular heartbeat:
*Feeling the heart has skipped a beat
*Increased pulse rate
*Pounding in the chest, throat or neck
*Rapid heartbeat

Exercise makes the heart speed up so that it can pump blood faster and deliver extra oxygen to the muscles. This is good for the heart.

During submaximal exercise at the same absolute work rate, heart rate is lower in the trained than in untrained individual. Because of changes in stroke volume, the heart is able to pump the same amount in blood with fewer contractions. Thus, the same exercise is less meaning on the enduring-trained heart.
Heartbeat during exercise

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