Take Control of Your Life
1. Slow down
Save some energy for your body and life, instead of giving every last ounce to work, worry, other demands or entertainment.
2. Make a change
Change something in your life that is damaging. No matter how small any successful change builds self confidence and makes the next change easier.
3. Get help
None of us can do it alone; life is a cooperative effort. Learn to find and ask for help.
4. Value your body and your life
Listen to your body and treat it with respect. Fill your life with more pleasure, love and reason to live.
5. Grown up. Educate yourself, take responsibility, be assertive
Accept yourself the way you are, but don’t give up in getting better.
These steps would sound intimidating, even to me, except for three things.
First, we rarely need the whole program. Anything we do for ourselves is likely to pay dividends.
Second, every single step should feel good; the whole idea, supported by scientific studies, is that improving quality of life will improve our health.
Third, we’ve probably doing many things right already.
Take Control of Your Life
Choleretic Vegetables: Natural Boosters for Liver Health and Digestion
Choleretic vegetables are those that stimulate the liver to produce bile,
which is essential for digestion and overall liver health. Bile emulsifies
fats, ...