People of today are adopting healthy lifestyles, and the combination of lifestyle changes, advancements in public health, and improved healthcare is contributing to a longer life expectancy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to minimize stress and ensure optimal performance.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

What is Basal Metabolic Rate?

Basal metabolite rate or BMR is the rate at which the body expends energy for these life-sustaining activities.

It is the rate in which the energy uses for metabolism under specified conditions. It is usually expressed as kcalories per kilogram body weight per hour.

The basal metabolic rate of most people requires more energy than their voluntary muscular activity. Much of this energy is used to keep the body temperature constant.

The rate may vary from person to person and may vary for the same individual with a change in circumstances or physical condition.

Several factors affect an individual’s basal metabolic rate, including age, gender, height and weight.

The more a person weighs, the more total energy is expended in basal metabolism, but the amount of energy per pound of body weight may be lower.

Gender correlates roughly with body composition. Men generally have a faster metabolic rate than women, and researchers believe that this is because of men’s greater percentage of lean tissue.
What is Basal Metabolic Rate?

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