Psychological distress is a common mental health problem in the community. Psychological distress is largely defined as a state of emotional suffering characterized by symptoms of depression (e.g., lost interest; sadness; hopelessness) and anxiety (e.g., restlessness; feeling tense).
These symptoms may be tied in with somatic symptoms (e.g., insomnia; headaches; lack of energy) that are likely to vary across cultures. It is projected that one in four individuals globally will be affected by depressive symptoms at some point in their lifetime.
Work-related factors, such as high demands, poor support and lack of control, contribute to psychological distress.
Psychological distress is viewed as an emotional disturbance that may impact on the social functioning and day-to-day living of individuals. The patient’s everyday life as being dominated by feelings of tiredness, anxiety and worry about being unable to live up to demands and expectations of others (Scand J Caring Sci; 2016; 30; 687–694).
Women reported more psychological distress than men. Loneliness, job dissatisfaction and family-work conflict were associated with the largest risk of psychological distress. Having children, active participation, being able to successfully combine work and family roles, and social support were found to be protective factors [BMC Public Health 21, 611 (2021)].
Psychological distress in community
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