People of today are adopting healthy lifestyles, and the combination of lifestyle changes, advancements in public health, and improved healthcare is contributing to a longer life expectancy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to minimize stress and ensure optimal performance.

Sunday, February 01, 2015

What is sprint exercise?

Sprint exercise consists of short periods of maximal contractile activity against low resistance. A competitive 50 m swim is a sprint exercise.

It is characterized by high velocity, high power output contractions over relatively short periods of time.

Sprint exercise has been shown to promote endurance-like adaptations and increase the muscle power; however, a single bout of sprint exercise is of very short duration and performed with maximal or close to a maximal efforts, common characteristics of a more growth-promoting stimulus such as resistance exercise.

Sprint exercise increases heart rate to compensate for the increased need for blood flow to sprinting muscles. Sprinting brings the heart rate to near its maximum speed. Over time, sprint training can increase the maximum heart rate, allowing the person to work out more efficiently.
What is sprint exercise?

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