People of today are adopting healthy lifestyles, and the combination of lifestyle changes, advancements in public health, and improved healthcare is contributing to a longer life expectancy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to minimize stress and ensure optimal performance.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Plank exercise

Exercise is a helpful way to reduce body weight and can prevent obesity by maintaining and/or increasing the muscle mass and basal metabolic rate.

The plank is an excellent abdominal and core exercise. Strengthening the core is an important aspect of any workout regimen. A strong and solid core looks and feels good. In order to perform this exercise, it started by placing the whole body into the same position that would to perform a push-up. Once in this position, bend the elbows so that they are positioned at a 90° angle. At this point, the body weight should rest directly on the forearms.

Increasing the length of time to hold the pose is another way to maximize the exercise. Start with a 15- to 30-second hold, and increase the time from there.

Plank exercise is a movement derived from Pilates, yoga, and stretching, and can be performed by anyone with minimal spatial requirements. The purpose and the intent of plank exercises are to work all of the main muscles throughout the body in order to increase their mass.

Planks require arms, legs, and all of abs, making them an all-encompassing workout and a more efficient way to exercise. Plank exercise is possible to expend a large amount of calories and develop muscles in a short period of time. Some studies have shown that plank-type exercises are effective in developing strength and endurance, in reducing low back pain, and in preventing falls.

Planks also help the body to develop isometric strength in core muscles, which gives body the power to keep from hunching while standing or sitting for long periods of time.
Plank exercise

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